Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Erlang Shen (二郎神), or Erlang is a Chinese God with a third truth-seeing eye in the middle of his forehead.

Er-lang Shen may be a deified version of several semi-mythical folk heroes who help regulate China's torrential floods, dating variously from the Qin, Sui and Jin dynasties. A later Buddhist source identify him as the second son of the Northern Heavenly King Vaishravana.

In the Ming semi-mythical novels Creation of the Gods and Journey to the West Erlang Shen is the nephew of the Jade Emperor. In the former he assisted the Zhou army in defeating the Shang. In the latter, he is the offspring of a mortal and the Jade Emperor's sister.


二郎神~杨戬,道教俗神,天庭大将,玉帝的外甥,阐教元始天尊门下徒孙,玉鼎真人的大弟子,变化无穷,神通广大,肉身成圣;早年劈桃山救母,视天界兵将如无 物受封清源妙道真君;又助武王伐纣,再封昭惠显圣仁佑王。王母甚为疼爱,但因与舅舅玉帝不和,故不愿住在天界,而在下界守人间香火,率领梅山七怪七位结义 兄弟和麾下1200草头神驻扎灌江口,与玉帝立约“听调不听宣”意思是:我服从你调谴我去打仗除妖的军令,要是以君主或者舅舅的身份叫我和你见面,那就免 开尊口。刚直公正,显圣护民,凡人间生灵危难,呼其尊号必往救。


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