年糕是東亞過年的一種傳統食品,年糕與「年高」諧音,有年年高的意思,象徵收入、職位或小孩子都一年比一年高。年糕早期是在年夜用來祭神及供奉祖先,其後漸漸成為一種春節食品。 ~ Nián gāo, Year cake or Chinese New Year's cake is a food prepared from glutinous rice and consumed in Chinese cuisine. It is available in Asian supermarkets and from health food stores. While it can be eaten all year round, traditionally it is most popular during Chinese New Year. It is considered good luck to eat nian gao during this time, because "nian gao" is a homonym for "higher year." The Chinese word 粘 (nián), meaning "sticky", is identical in sound to 年, meaning "year", and the word 糕 (gāo), meaning "cake" is identical in sound to 高, meaning "high". As such, eating nian gao has the symbolism of raising oneself higher in each coming year (年年高升 niánnián gāoshēng). ~ ~ ~http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/年糕 ~ ~http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nian_gao ~ ~http://taiwanpedia.culture.tw/web/content?ID=11658 ~ ~http://chinesefood.about.com/od/chinesenewyear/r/niangao.htm
Renri (Chinese:人日, literally Human Day) refers specially to the 7th day of zhengyue (正月, the first month in the Chinese calendar). According to Chinese customs, renri was the day human beings were created. It is celebrated not only in China, but also other regions influenced by Chinese culture. ~ “人日”亦称“人胜节”、“人庆节”、“人口日”、“人七日”等。传说女蜗初创世,在造出了鸡狗猪牛马等动物后,于第七天造出了人,所以这一天是人类的生 日。汉朝开始有人日节俗,魏晋后开始重视。古代人日有戴“人胜”的习俗,人胜是一种头饰,又叫彩胜,华胜,从晋朝开始有剪彩为花、剪彩为人,或镂金箔为人 来贴屏风,也戴在头发上。此外还有登高赋诗的习俗。唐代之后,更重视这个节日。每至人日,皇帝赐群臣彩缕人胜,又登高大宴群臣。如果正月初七天气晴朗,则 主一年人口平安,出入顺利。 ~ ~http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renri ~ ~http://baike.baidu.com/view/6472.htm ~ ~http://news.xinhuanet.com/newscenter/2008-02/12/content_7592494.htm ~ ~