Wednesday, July 16, 2008

--Why X.A.N.A.X ??--

~~From The C.O.N.S.U.M.E.R feed back after R.E.C.O.V.E.R.Y~~
~~T.E.S.T Me.... Inches to F.R.E.E....~~
Gee, I wonder why you're addicted...xanax isn't a drug to get a buzz's not like Valium, hydro or's just anti-anxiety pill, but if abused like you are, no wonder you need it. You're chemically and psychologically addicted.
~Posted By: Bill Stephens
~Date: Saturday, 15 November 2003, at 3:12 p.m.
I've suffered from anxiety since I was a child. I'm 38 years old now and the only thing that controls my anxiety attacks is xanax. I do not like to take it because I'm terrified of becoming addicted to it. I've researched and xanax addiction is as bad as any other addiction and can kill you. Do people abuse this drug and become dependant on it? Is there any other drugs out there that are not addictive for anxiety?
As with any drug, Xanax can be abused. You can die from taking too much Advil too...I suffer from anxiety and take Xanax in a very small dose before bed every night. I have done so for a few years now. As long as you take your prescribed dose (and nothing more), and you are under the supervision of a doctor, you should be fine. With any sort of drug that deals with brain functionality, you cannot just stop taking it either. That could bring on panic attacks or severe depression. You have to taper off gradually with the direction of your physician. All drugs you take on a daily basis run the risk of creating dependency. Some medications people do have to take for the rest of their life, every case is different.
i don't know what xanax is very popular? i remember myself having anxiety attacks thinking i am having heart attacks my doctor prescribe those for me, but you know what i did because i was so feed up being scared. I didn't bought one instead i go to a gym and enrolled i remember being scared inside thinking i was going to have heart attack but i manage to make myself believe i didn;t have this sickness and went on to play martial arts for my school. of course i still got the same panic feeling but i always control myself and tell to me that i am healthy. power of mind does help....
I went rehap center to get off of them. I was in the hospital for almost a month and was given Kolonapin in tapered......Or something else? Is this "normal"?
If so do you have any idea when this will go away...?
Xanax addiction is especially dangerous because Xanax addiction often begins with a prescription from a doctor. Xanax addiction is a common side-effect of the prescription drug Alprazolam. The drug is a central nervous system depressant and Xanax addiction occurs when the drug is abused beyond its prescribed purposes. Used to treat many disorders from anxiety to stress, Xanax addiction results in the overuse of the drug to suppress unwanted feelings. Whether the drug is taken every night to fall asleep or continually throughout the day to remain calm, Xanax addiction progresses quickly and has become a serious health problem for many people.

--Malaysian in Recovery--

Our country includes millions of addicted people in recovery who are considered unemployable by many employers. Americans from all walks of life are affected by the disease of addiction, from unskilled young people to doctors, lawyers, and engineers. How can we use their talents and abilities? How can we give them opportunities to be motivated, enthusiastic, and productive? America in Recovery offers them a way to find a job.
In our business, recovering people have turned out to be some of our best employees. We discovered this concept by accident, but it has worked so well for five years that we want to share our success with small business everywhere.
So we created this no-charge hiring website as a permanently-supported gift to America. It is our hope that businesses nationwide will find the same benefits we have found by hiring deserving people who are ready to work.
Yes, we said no charge! That's right, free to all concerned. There will never be any charge to job seekers or employers!
To develop and permanently support these resources required some creative ideas to avoid a costly staff and ongoing fund-raising efforts. First, America in Recovery has no employees. Next, we use the existing offices and equipment of our manufacturing company. Further, although these websites were quite expensive to develop, we have designed them to require minimal maintenance and no interaction from a staff. Finally, we have no phone, fax, or email, because job seekers and employers interact directly with each other without our management. As a result, we are proud to say that America in Recovery has almost no overhead.
So we have no plans for fund raising, even though we will accept tax free donations as a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. Money received from small business or private donors will be used for publicity - important for the first few years. But no government money will be accepted, nor will money be accepted from any organization that receives government money. Indeed, we are out to show that small business can do good work for our country without government support.
America's presidents have always asked the citizens to find ways to help our people and our country - this is such a way. This is creative entrepreneurship, volunteerism seeking to serve, and small business in action. You are witnessing the grassroots beginning of a truly new concept - one that will help American people, American small business, and American taxpayers.

~Is there Any in Malaysia? A sincere one...~
~~We N.E.E.D Help........~~

--Anwar Vs Shabery Debate and Malaysia--

The debate of the fuel prices happened with PKR advisor Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim was up against Information minister Ahmad Shabery Cheek. Congratulations to all parties who made this possible.
~~ALL THE BEST.... SIR!!~~
