I sit crying
Looking through the dirty window to the sand on the ground.
I won't admit anything...even though she now knows everything.
Suddenly I think, NO more lying...
I scream out my confession...she already knows
My icicle tears fall to my hands
She's known what I do to myself for years now..and hasn't said a word
She begs to see my scars...and I cry and beg for her not to want to
I am more than ashamed
The shimmer in my tears is the only thing I have left
And now what happens?
When the stars won't come outside
When the moon is hidden behind
your father screaming at you for what you've done
Saying that you should "stop the bullshit attention getter and get your lifeback together" Another remark from your dad's once loving lips
The tears flow now as fast as my blood does
And I'll just go sit and cry in the rain
And wait for you to care for me.......
And I'll ignore my own cries
and watch myself die
I hold back my silver tears
From my silver friend
I've now revealed it all and I have nothing more to hide
I now have entered the stars
They invite me to join the mascarade
They have to celebrate me
That I told the purple truth
So sick of lying I'll stare and maybe smile
Into my rose colored night
~~I've survived my life~~
~~I've survived my love~~
But I haven't recovered from the silver friend
Becuase i'm drowning in my old silver tears
~~Erika January 29th, 2000~~