Friday, February 29, 2008

--Blog Disclaimer--


I come across this very funny Blog Disclaimer and like to share with all.

-Heretofore and unto now, this blogger hosted weblog has had to rely exclusively on the blanket disclaimer provided for the corporate body of blog*spot addresses. While this kind of disclaimer is usually sufficient to protect a blogger from liability, it falls short when dealing with inherently offensive content, websites with a mind of their own and authors who are excessively paranoid about being dragged into court. With the above firmly borne in mind, we propose the following weblog disclaimer: (hereafter “this website”) will abide by, adhere to, accept responsibility for, endure under and act with respect toward the following weblog disclaimer:

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-A special Thanks to Herche's Blog Disclaimer.


Thursday, February 28, 2008

--The Lefties--

-For everything that happened, There are always a reason. Yeah.. I started to know Me - A left Hander. After 30 of whole years. The reason why we are Left-Handed. Most of my friends they cant answer when a question thrown to them "Why You are a Lefty?" And sometimes argument or conflict occurred.

-Left-Hander : Also known as Lefty, South-Paw, Crippled, Defective, Awkward, Clumsy, Inapt, Questionable, Ambiguous, "Ill-Omened"-(Ill-Omened??) and...etc

-We got our Official Left-Handers' Day World Wide On August 13th.

-The brains of lefthanded people develop more freely in utero, they say, allowing the organization to stray more from the standard design.

-In most people, experts say, the left hemisphere of the brain specializes in tasks that are performed in sequence, such as reading and speaking; the right does more holistic processing, like that needed for visual perception. Most people have a dominant left hemisphere, and since each hemisphere controls the opposite side of the body, most of the population is righthanded.

-For years, many psychologists assumed that lefties' brains were reversed, with language capacity concentrated in the right side of the organ. Subsequent work shows that is sometimes the case - but not always.

-A large body of research shows the majority of righthanders follow the typical pattern, using the left hemisphere for language. Lefthanders' brains appear less predictable: About half have language abilities concentrated in the left, 10 percent in the right, and 40 percent make use of various regions on both sides.

-In humans, handedness runs in families, though not in an easily predictable way. Lefthanders are about twice as likely as righties to produce lefthanded children, but most of their offspring will still be righthanded.

-They found that lefthanders tend to share a variant of the gene they named LRRTM1, but it appears to influence handedness only if it is inherited from the father. (Genes whose dominance is contingent upon which parent contributes them make up about 1 percent of the total in humans.)

-Other scientists are examining how LRRTM1 and other genes might tie lefthandedness loosely with all sorts of characteristics. Various studies have found weak but statistically significant associations between lefthandedness and schizophrenia, autism and even homosexuality. Homosexuality-"Haaaa.. That's Funny" ( Related to Left-Handers?? )

-A few scientists say their colleagues are looking at the mystery of handedness from the wrong perspective. ( Yeah... This is true )

-And please go and have a look @ the famous left-handed site below and you will Amazed!!!

-We are only 10% of the whole population, I think I should attach a disclaimer so that i wont got myself into trouble.....

More interesting Sites for the Lefties :


Wednesday, February 27, 2008


-BRAINIAC is said to stand for "BRAIN InterActive Construct". And to be more simple Brainiac = Genius.

-I came across this term when I was Eight(8) years old. My dad brought us for the movie Superman III (1983). It was my first Movie in Cinema.

And the Word Brainiac in Oxford :
-· n. N. Amer. informal a very intelligent person.
– ORIGIN 1950s: from the name of a superintelligent alien character of the Superman comic strip.

Brainiac is the Green-skinned alien android from the planet Colu. First appeared in Action Comics #242 (July 1958). Created by Otto Binder. And the Brainiac is the most powerful enemies of The Superman.

-In reality We are using the Word Brainiac for The Genius, The Intelligence. and Nerds.

-Brainiac Derives from the -IAC naming trend among Early Electronic Computers, after ENIAC: ILLIAC, JOHNNIAC, MANIAC, SILLIAC, etc..

More :



Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Hyperthymesia- A word in our Dictionary and most of us doesn't know the meaning of.

-The man in the picture is Brad Williams and he is the only man able to recall the most trifling dates and details about his life.
-Williams, a radio anchor in La Crosse, seems to enjoy having his memory tested. Name a date from the last 40 years and, after a few moments, he can typically tell you what he did that day and what was in the news.

-Base on Brad's adventures for an upcoming movie, to be titled "Unforgettable" is scheduled to be completed later this year.

Hyperthymesia -

-Hyperthymesia or hyperthymestic syndrome is a condition where the affected individual has a superior autobiographical

-As first described in the
Neurocase article "A case of unusual autobiographical remembering," the two defining characteristics of hyperthymesia are ".

-1) the person spends an abnormally large amount of time thinking about his or her personal past.

-2) the person has an extraordinary capacity to recall specific events from their personal past".

-Individuals with hyperthymesia can recall the most trivial of events. A hyperthymestic person can be asked a date, and describe the events that occurred that day, what the weather was like, and many seemingly trivial details that most people would not be able to recall. They can often recall what day of the week the date fell on, but are not calendrical calculators as people with
autism sometimes are; the recall is limited to days on a personal "mental calendar". The mental calendar association occurs automatically and obsessively. Unlike some other individuals with superior memory, hyperthymestic individuals do not rely on practiced mnemonic strategies.

"The human brain is the most complicated and important machinery in the known universe"


-Everybody experiences stress. A certain amount is even good for you. Too much stress can damage your physical, emotional, and mental health. Since it is not always possible to prevent stress, we all need to learn how to reduce it. Choose among the following techniques what you think will work best for you. Make them part of your everyday life.

1. PREVENT IT. How much stress do you cause just by putting unnecessary pressure on yourself? Do you over react to little things that annoy you? Every time you let anger or frustration take control, it drains away good energy and sidetracks you from more important things. Obviously, you can't always control what goes on around you, but you can control how you respond. Try a little more patience next time you get caught in traffic and you'll avoid unnecessary stress.

2. SET GOALS. Some people drift through life going from crisis to crisis letting stress build up. If you set goals, you can take better control of your life. Think where you'd like to be in 1 year or 5 years. Be realistic by starting with small, daily goals, then build up from there. Re-evaluate your goals from time to time and be prepared to adjust them as changes occur in your life.

3. ESTABLISH PRIORITIES. Do you often feel rushed because "there's no time"? Why not regulate the pace of your life? Plan ahead. Make a list of tasks in order of priority. Concentrate on what's really important to you and drop those things that only waste your energy.

4. TAKE TIME OUT. Spend a few minutes alone each day to break the routine. This helps ease stress and gives you a better perspective of what's around you. Set aside time during the week for recreation, hobbies, or exercise. Regular exercise is an excellent way to reduce stress. Physical fitness gives you a feeling of well-being by relieving tension and increasing productivity.

5. HAVE FAITH. Peace of mind comes to those who trust in God's power to lessen life's burdens through prayer.

6. THINK POSITIVELY. Having a positive attitude will help you assert yourself and feel more in control. You waste energy if you constantly criticize yourself or set unrealistic goals. Negative thoughts generally produce negative results. Instead of saying, "I can't," practice saying, "I can." You'll be surprised how much more you can accomplish.

7. HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR. Laughter can be one of the best medicines for stress. Being able to laugh at yourself and the world can break tension and give you some relief from stress.

8. COMMUNICATE. Suffering in silence only increases the stress you build up inside. Talk over your feelings and concerns with your family, a friend, counselor, preacher, or health professional. "Thinking out loud" like this not only relieves stress, but may also shed new light on your problems. Learn to listen and consider suggestions with an open mind.

9. MAKE DECISIONS. Most people have no idea how much stress they create for themselves by resisting change. They wait, hoping a situation will go back to the way it was. Why wait when you have choices and could make a decision? When it's time to change old habits and move forward, make your own change for the better.

10. GET SUPPORT. Do you sometimes find problems too personal to discuss? Or feel they may be too much of a burden on others? Find a support group in your community. Remember, you're not alone. Other people with similar problems understand what you're going through without the need for lengthy explanations. They share your concerns and they want to learn how to cope with stress, too.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

--After Xanax--

24th Feb 2007. - Wangsa Baiduri/Malaysia- The Day That I totally quit my - Xanax(Alprazolam). After 9days and nights of My mentality war fight in my mind. Luckily I am still alive today after a complete year of that. And did everything alone...(coz no one really understand a Sick man like me) For most of the people never really know what is Alprazolam.
Alprazolam :
-Alprazolam is in a class of drugs called benzodiazepines. Alprazolam affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause anxiety.

Alprazolam is used to relieve anxiety, nervousness, and tension associated with anxiety disorders. Alprazolam is also used to treat panic disorders.

-I started my Alprazolam In Singapore, given by my Doctor in 1999-2000. -Singapore.

Why should people take the Alprazolam?

-Is used to treat anxiety disorders, panic disorders, and anxiety caused by depression.

The Drug's name I took for the whole 7years - Xanax - And It was my BEST friend and Buddy beside me trough out that 7years. 1999 - 2006. (RIP XanaX) And the purpose I am writing this is to tell all about the Actual and Experiences in this form of Medication that you will not get them from even "some" of the Doctors.
And the most Important thing is to help a person that facing the same problem as mine. And please don't Ignore and you will never help by doing that..... We need people that Understand to really Lend a Helping Hand. I am willing to Help anyone of you if possible.... drop me message or email......
"We got to be Strong and United"

-The Immediate side Effects after I stopped : ( In General )

-Unusual risk-taking behavior, decreased inhibitions, no fear of danger.

-Depressed mood, thoughts of suicide or hurting yourself.

-hyperactivity, agitation, hostility, hallucinations.

-Feeling light-headed, fainting.

-Seizure (convulsions).

-Urinating less than usual or not at all.

-Muscle twitching, tremor.

-Jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes).

-Side effects after (1)months from Xanax ( In Me and General )

-Drowsiness, dizziness, feeling irritable.

-Amnesia or forgetfulness, trouble concentrating.

-Sleep problems (insomnia).

-Muscle weakness, lack of balance or coordination, slurred speech;
blurred vision.

-Nausea, vomiting, constipation, appetite or weight changes.

-Dry or watery mouth, increased sweating.

-The effects after a year from Xanax.. ( In Me and till today........ )


-Trouble in Concentrating.

-Muscle Weakness.


Information Taken From :
