Thursday, February 28, 2008

--The Lefties--

-For everything that happened, There are always a reason. Yeah.. I started to know Me - A left Hander. After 30 of whole years. The reason why we are Left-Handed. Most of my friends they cant answer when a question thrown to them "Why You are a Lefty?" And sometimes argument or conflict occurred.

-Left-Hander : Also known as Lefty, South-Paw, Crippled, Defective, Awkward, Clumsy, Inapt, Questionable, Ambiguous, "Ill-Omened"-(Ill-Omened??) and...etc

-We got our Official Left-Handers' Day World Wide On August 13th.

-The brains of lefthanded people develop more freely in utero, they say, allowing the organization to stray more from the standard design.

-In most people, experts say, the left hemisphere of the brain specializes in tasks that are performed in sequence, such as reading and speaking; the right does more holistic processing, like that needed for visual perception. Most people have a dominant left hemisphere, and since each hemisphere controls the opposite side of the body, most of the population is righthanded.

-For years, many psychologists assumed that lefties' brains were reversed, with language capacity concentrated in the right side of the organ. Subsequent work shows that is sometimes the case - but not always.

-A large body of research shows the majority of righthanders follow the typical pattern, using the left hemisphere for language. Lefthanders' brains appear less predictable: About half have language abilities concentrated in the left, 10 percent in the right, and 40 percent make use of various regions on both sides.

-In humans, handedness runs in families, though not in an easily predictable way. Lefthanders are about twice as likely as righties to produce lefthanded children, but most of their offspring will still be righthanded.

-They found that lefthanders tend to share a variant of the gene they named LRRTM1, but it appears to influence handedness only if it is inherited from the father. (Genes whose dominance is contingent upon which parent contributes them make up about 1 percent of the total in humans.)

-Other scientists are examining how LRRTM1 and other genes might tie lefthandedness loosely with all sorts of characteristics. Various studies have found weak but statistically significant associations between lefthandedness and schizophrenia, autism and even homosexuality. Homosexuality-"Haaaa.. That's Funny" ( Related to Left-Handers?? )

-A few scientists say their colleagues are looking at the mystery of handedness from the wrong perspective. ( Yeah... This is true )

-And please go and have a look @ the famous left-handed site below and you will Amazed!!!

-We are only 10% of the whole population, I think I should attach a disclaimer so that i wont got myself into trouble.....

More interesting Sites for the Lefties :


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