Ask for help The first rule of recovery is to be able to ask for help, to reach out and get support from others. If you need assistance there will be plenty of people in recovery only too willing give it. Just ask!
Eat properly
See the Nutrition and exercise section for tips on how to best take care of your nutritional needs.
Exercise regularly
Exercise is a mood enhancer and will lift our spirits and give us something else to think about other than our craving or addiction.
Don’t be isolated
Our addictive side thrives on isolation, so when you find yourself wanting to be alone and not in company most of the time and not in company, ring your own internal alarm bell and get connected swiftly!
Be honest
Honesty in recovery is paramount; if we lie to ourselves and others it is impossible for us to get well.
Use positive affirmations
Sadly, our own inner voices or internal dialogues are usually our own worst enemies. Truthfully, if we spoke to our friends the way we speak to ourselves most of the time, they would probably have all deserted us by now! Can you treat yourself as you would a dear friend and say encouraging things to yourself rather than use negative expletives? Remind yourself of your good points, of what you are doing well, of traits and characteristics you like about yourself. You need to learn how to be your own best friend and dump the enemy, who is certainly not helping you.
Live in the here and now
Addicts have a habit of living in the future or in the past. We disconnect from the present moment and turn our attention instead to our internal dialogue and fantasies. Counter this tendency by making concerted efforts to stay in the present. Keep your thoughts in the moment without projecting into the future or forever re-running the past.
One final point!
It is imperative that as part of your recovery you learn about the relapse process and devise your own plan to help prevent it happening to you. You need to develop your own strategy and look at ways to avoid your personal triggers and know what warning signs are significant for you. Please look at the relapse prevention planner and questions so that you can design your own recovery plan. This will give you a prevention procedure that will aid your recovery greatly and give you the tools you need to maintain sobriety in the long term.