Wednesday, February 2, 2011


除夕:读作chú xī ;英文: Chinese New Year's Eve,又称Lunar New Year's Eve。除夕是我国传统节日中最重大的节日之一。指农历一年最后一天的晚上,即春节前一天晚,因常在夏历腊月三十或二十九,故又称该日为年三十。一年的最后一天叫“岁除”,那天晚上叫“除夕”。除夕人们往往通宵不眠,叫守岁。苏轼有《守岁》:“儿童强不睡,相守夜欢哗。”除夕这一天,家里家外不但要打扫得干干净净,还要贴门神、贴春联、贴年画、挂门笼,人们则换上带喜庆色彩和带图案的新衣。
Chinese New Year - often called Chinese Lunar New Year although it actually is lunisolar - is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. Despite its winter occurrence, in China it is known as "Spring Festival," the literal translation of the Chinese name 春节 (Pinyin: Chūn Jié), owing to the difference between Western and traditional Chinese methods for computing the seasons. The festival begins on the first day of the first month (Chinese: 正月; pinyin: Zhēng Yuè) in the traditional Chinese calendar and ends with Lantern Festival which is on the 15th day. Chinese New Year's Eve, a day where Chinese families gather for their annual reunion dinner, is known as Chú Xī (除夕) or "Eve of the Passing Year."

--团圆饭~Reunion Dinner--

团圆饭(family reunion dinner) 。中国的春节,“吃”往往会成为大部分人节日期间的主要活动,一家人围坐在热气腾腾的饭桌旁,就是透着那么一股喜庆热闹劲儿,这可以算是中国民间过年的最大特点了。“民以食为天”这句话似乎在春节这个传统佳节更加显得入情入理。
