Wednesday, February 2, 2011


除夕:读作chú xī ;英文: Chinese New Year's Eve,又称Lunar New Year's Eve。除夕是我国传统节日中最重大的节日之一。指农历一年最后一天的晚上,即春节前一天晚,因常在夏历腊月三十或二十九,故又称该日为年三十。一年的最后一天叫“岁除”,那天晚上叫“除夕”。除夕人们往往通宵不眠,叫守岁。苏轼有《守岁》:“儿童强不睡,相守夜欢哗。”除夕这一天,家里家外不但要打扫得干干净净,还要贴门神、贴春联、贴年画、挂门笼,人们则换上带喜庆色彩和带图案的新衣。
Chinese New Year - often called Chinese Lunar New Year although it actually is lunisolar - is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. Despite its winter occurrence, in China it is known as "Spring Festival," the literal translation of the Chinese name 春节 (Pinyin: Chūn Jié), owing to the difference between Western and traditional Chinese methods for computing the seasons. The festival begins on the first day of the first month (Chinese: 正月; pinyin: Zhēng Yuè) in the traditional Chinese calendar and ends with Lantern Festival which is on the 15th day. Chinese New Year's Eve, a day where Chinese families gather for their annual reunion dinner, is known as Chú Xī (除夕) or "Eve of the Passing Year."


Sonu Ge said...

Love life and life will love you back. Love people and they will love you back.

pidi jo said...

To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your lover was all I ever dreamed.

Unknown said...

Thanks Sonu and Pidi Jo.... I dont who you both are but Love you all....... Chee Lim.