Friday, January 28, 2011

--25 years later....The Challenger....1986...and The "Journey Continues........" A Challenger's"..--

For many, no single word evokes as much pain.

A quarter-century later, images of the exploding space shuttle still signify all that can go wrong with technology and the sharpest minds. The accident on Jan. 28, 1986 — a scant 73 seconds into flight, nine miles above the Atlantic for all to see — remains NASA's most visible failure.

It was the world's first high-tech catastrophe to unfold on live TV. Adding to the anguish was the young audience: Schoolchildren everywhere tuned in that morning to watch the launch of the first schoolteacher and ordinary citizen bound for space, Christa McAuliffe.

She never made it.

McAuliffe and six others on board perished as the cameras rolled, victims of stiff O-ring seals and feeble bureaucratic decisions.

It was, as one grief and trauma expert recalls, "the beginning of the age when the whole world knew what happened as it happened."....








虎年将尽,新世纪的第一个兔年在下星期后便会到来,虎年中、港、美股表现并不算弱,先挫后升,在去年年底时也差不多收复全年失地。兔年股汇市走势如何,市 场意见分歧。主流意见认为股市会升,主要是美元贬值,而人民币和商品货币会继续升值。无论如何,希望不是脱缰野兔,到处狂奔乱闯,造成破坏。个人仍偏向认 为,如以一年为限,上半年整体金融市场,应会出现大幅波动的调整,但会是伺低吸纳之机会。笔者自一月初便重复指出巿场内里暗涌不减,不要被四方唱好的气氛 降低警觉性,中国连串政策带来之连锁收缩效应,极可能在第二季便开始陆续浮现。但在这之前,上调准备金率、减慢信贷等将陆续有来,一定会在出现实质效果时 才会停止,但可能在发觉「落药过重」之时,已经迟了一步,到时想再重新加速便有难度。希望中国能从外国央行过去之错误中领会,「微调」经济结果往往出人意 表,不要操之过急,要预留多一些空间让经济和市场自行调节疗伤复原,否则后遗症会更严重。其实通胀不是头号大敌,今年经济的头号大敌是「没有适当及有效之 方法」去「微调达到平衡」!