Thursday, May 13, 2010

--呂樂 (1920年5 月16日-2010年5 月13日)--

呂樂1920年5 月16日2010年5 月13日,前香港總華探長, 祖籍廣東海豐,人稱樂哥(lak哥,用海豐話潮語發 音)、阿叔闽南语,音近粵語阿直 a zik),1960年代和韓森藍剛顏雄並 稱香港「四大探長」,四人均先後被廉政公署通緝。2010年5 月13日,患末期胃癌的呂樂,在溫哥華病逝,終年90歲。

呂樂於1940 年加入香港警隊1956年新界區總華探長, 未幾再升任港島區九龍區總華探長

1968年呂樂提前退休,1974年香港廉政公署成立之後,隨即以呂樂為主要通緝目標,遂與妻子和8名子女移居加拿大。1979年買下台北市東區敦 化南路公寓豪宅,自此定居台灣






9 Year-old Ruben van Assouw is seen in his hospital bed in Tripoli's El Khadra hospital, Libya Thusday, May 13, 2010. Ruben is the only survivor of a Libyan Afriqiyah Airways plane with 104 people on board that crashed on landing Wednesday, May 12 at the airport in the Libyan capital Tripoli.


--May 13th 1969--

The May 13 Incident is a term for the Sino-Malay sectarian violences in Kuala Lumpur (then part of the state of Selangor), Malaysia, which began on May 13, 1969. The riots led to a declaration of a state of national emergency and suspension of Parliament by the Malaysian government, while the National Operations Council (NOC or Majlis Gerakan Negara, MAGERAN) was established to temporarily govern the country between 1969 and 1971.
Officially, 196 people were killed between May 13 and July 31 as a result of the riots, although journalists and other observers have stated much higher figures. Other reports at the time suggest over 2,000 were killed by rioters, police and Malaysian Army rangers, mainly in Kuala Lumpur. Many of the dead were quickly buried in unmarked graves in the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital grounds by soldiers of Malaysian Engineers.
The government cited the riots as the main cause of its more aggressive affirmative action policies, such as the New Economic Policy (NEP), after 1969.