Thursday, February 10, 2011

--拜天公 2011--

福建人拜天公,除了感恩外,也祈求天公在新的一年,赐福给全家人,让合家大小平安,步步高升。 大年初九凌晨,成千上万的烧猪和鸡、鸭,将是祭拜天公的主要祭品,以祈求新春大吉大利。天公诞的祭拜仪式,是从大年初八深夜开始,一直持续到初九凌晨。 烧猪,是孝敬天公的重点祭品之一,一些经济不错的家庭,甚至订购大烧猪供 拜,而普通的家庭也以小金猪或烧肉祭拜,以祈求天公带来好运。 所以,拜天公这一天,烧猪的销量非常可观。当天祭拜天公的大小烧猪,超过数万只之多。 而早在大年初八,烧猪店推出的大、小烧猪,非常抢手,销量也可观,大家都赶早买烧猪及其它祭拜用品,为夜晚的祭拜天公作好准备。

据乌美2道焱全烧腊中心老板卓照发说,今天大年初八,包括他已接到1000只烧猪的订单,估计可卖出超过1500只大小烧猪,销量不比去年差。往往在大年 初八,就像除夕一样,一清早巴刹就闹哄哄一片,不少人纷纷拥到巴刹购买鸡、鸭、大鱼、大肉和水果,扛着一棵棵的甘蔗回家。 忙碌烹煮一番后,深夜时辰一到,就摆好丰富祭品,安好天公座,点起香烛祭拜天公。祭拜天公的祭品,包括鸡鸭、鱼虾、甘蔗、水果、香烛、大金、小金、香烛、 龙香等等。 拜天公时,必须诚心膜拜,一点不能马虎,早年还要燃烧爆竹,彻夜响个不停,一直拜到大年初九凌晨时分,才圆满结束,这时全家人一起享用丰富年餐,才上床睡 觉。据卓照发说,从订单来看,今年的小金猪最抢手,大金猪销量也不错,他估计年初八从早到晚,会有更多人到店里买大小烧猪,门市估计可卖出数百只大小烧 猪。 卓照发说,农历新年的两个烧猪大旺日,是大年除夕与大年初八。除夕是祭拜神明、祖先的日子。大年初九拜天公,都少不了烧猪。到了大年十五的元宵节,烧猪的 销量也很可观。



Yangjia Jiang (Chinese: 杨家将; lit. Generals of the Yang Clan) is a series of novels and plays which detail the exploits of the Yang military family over four generations of peace and turmoil during the Song Dynasty. Set during the later years of the Northern Song empire, the stories recount the unflinching loyalty (尽忠报国) of the Yang family heirs, even though most are deviating from the actual accounts.

~ 杨家将


Mr. Bean is a British comedy television series of 14 half-hour episodes starring Rowan Atkinson as the title character. Different episodes were written by Atkinson, Robin Driscoll, Richard Curtis and one by Ben Elton. The first episode was broadcast on ITV on 1 January 1990, with the final episode, "Hair by Mr. Bean of London", on 15 November 1995. Based on a character developed by Atkinson at university, the series followed the exploits of Mr. Bean, described by Atkinson as "a child in a grown man's body", in solving various problems presented by everyday tasks and often causing disruption in the process. During its five-year run the series gained large UK audience figures, including 18.74 million for the 1992 episode "The Trouble With Mr. Bean". The series has been the recipient of a number of international awards, including Rose d'Or. The show has been sold in 200 territories worldwide, and has inspired two feature films and an animated cartoon spin-off.