Monday, May 19, 2008

--Left and Right Control in Brain--

Right Brain vs. Left Brain

This theory of the structure and functions of the mind suggests that the two different sides of the brain control two different "modes" of thinking. It also suggests that each of us prefers one mode over the other.

Experimentation has shown that the two different sides, or hemispheres, of the brain are responsible for different manners of thinking. The following table illustrates the differences between left-brain and right-brain thinking:

Left Brain
-Uses logic
-Detail oriented
-Facts rule
-Words and language
-Present and past
-Math and science
-Knows object name
-Reality based
-Forms strategies
-Looks at parts

Right Brain
-Uses feeling
-"Big picture" oriented
-Imagination rules
-Symbols and images
-Present and future
-Philosophy & religion
-Knows object function
-Fantasy based
-Presents possibilities
-Risk taking
-Looks at wholes

Most individuals have a distinct preference for one of these styles of thinking. Some, however, are more whole-brained and equally adept at both modes. In general, schools tend to favor left-brain modes of thinking, while downplaying the right-brain ones. Left-brain scholastic subjects focus on logical thinking, analysis, and accuracy. Right-brained subjects, on the other hand, focus on aesthetics, feeling, and creativity.







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