Thursday, June 12, 2008

--Scary??......Yes...... I am Sorry......--

I long for sleep,
But can it bring me rest,
Or peace for a time at best,
I think not,
For theres no rest for the weary,
And its hard to see through eyes filled with teary,
Salty liquid that falls on my page,
And I am so very aware of my age.
And I long to go back
To start the journey again,
To never have found
Such a dark dark friend,
Who torments the soul,
Where the drug addicts go,
When they travel the road of snow white.
~~By Jana....~~

I should also tell you that I myself was an addict also, one who lived in denial for many years. Now there is no denial...only regret and new beginnings and hope. There's no way I will win this battle without Support.... No one or thing can do it for me. I do not inject drugs. But had an illness and was given pain pills and Xanax.... Its so scary for me. I wish I never even saw one little white pill. I'd rather have just tried to live with the pain......

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