Saturday, May 16, 2009


North Korea–South Korea relations are the political, diplomatic, and military interactions between North Korea and South Korea, from the division of Korea to today.
After the defeat of Japan in World War II, the Korean peninsula was occupied by the Soviet Union in the North and the United States in the South. The dividing line was the 38th parallel.


Establishment of South Korea

The South Korean history begins with the division of the Korean Peninsula in 1945. A civilian government was established in 1948, beginning the First Republic. Syngman Rhee became the first President of South Korea.


Establishment of North Korea

North Korea was proclaimed on September 11, 1948, under supervision by the occupying Soviet forces. The Soviets preferred placing in power Korean Communists who had spent the war years in the Soviet Union, rather than the Korean Communist Party. Kim Il-sung was named the head of the North Korean Provisional People's Committee in February 1946. Kim then became Prime Minister, a post which he held until 1972, before becoming President.



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