Friday, April 23, 2010

--What causes Autism?--

The autism argument has been fueled in recent years, between the correlation of autism and vaccines. Roughly one in four parents believes that some vaccines are the cause of autism in healthy children, but is there enough proof to support this theory?

The worry about a vaccine link first arose in 1998 when a British physician published a medical journal linking the two. The results from his study prompted a movement among parents with autistic children. For years, numerous parents have blamed mercury in vaccines for the illness, but recent revelations have everyone wondering.

The medical journal that first published this study, and caused all the outrage, retracted the study that claimed a link exists. This discredited the study, thus leaving people bewildered. Further evidence disputing the correlation surfaced as recent as March 12, 2010. A Washington federal judge concluded that the vaccine additive thimerosal is not to blame for autism. This news is unsettling for many parents and the battle is far from over. Is it safe to say that no one knows for sure what causes autism?



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